Cultivating Ease & Flow Through Feng Shui | Interview with Sara Fletcher | Episode 103

Can Feng Shui transform your life? For our special guest on this episode, Sara Fletcher, it certainly transformed her outlook, empowered her to reach beyond her limits, altered the trajectory of her life, and elevated her to a new purpose.

“Nothing teaches children more than a parent who is willing to learn.” 

- William Martin


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The art of Feng Shui is to create energy flow throughout a space, and that is exactly what Sara does in her work as a Feng Shui Consultant.  By making changes - small or large - within a space, Feng Shui has the power to uplift, encourage, motivate, energize, and help you to become the highest good version of yourself.  But Sara's story begins long before she ever thought of walking this career path.

Growing up, Sara was always drawn toward the elements of design and the power of creating beautiful, feel-good spaces.  It wasn’t until later in life, when she suffered a medical crisis, that she stumbled upon Feng Shui as a catalyst for change. 

Through her own life transformation, Sara has seen the power of Feng Shui first hand, and now as a Feng Shui practitioner, she helps others to transform their lives as well.

Listen to the full episode to hear this mom's inspiring story.

Resources From This Episode:

Sara Fletcher:

The Parent's Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for Modern Parents by William Martin


About Sara Fletcher:

Sara Fletcher is an Intuitive Home Environment Guide, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner and Founder of Love Home Life.  She works with individuals and families who feel overwhelmed and ashamed in their home environments to develop healthier, more empowering relationships with their homes and STUFF.  Sara guides her clients to make conscious changes around them that lead to improvements in their mental, emotional and physical health, deeper connections in their relationships and a stronger ability to live up to their true potential in life.  She lives in the mountains of Santa Cruz, CA  with her husband and two teenage kids, and is currently preparing to launch her Home Metamorphosis Series of virtual retreats, designed for holistic women who are committed to radically upleveling their health, wealth, happiness and homes in 2022.

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