Episode 012: Mindful Heathcare

Sheila and Maria approach the topic of health and wellness from a holistic point of view, offering food for thought and suggestions for finding the best wellness support for your family.

"A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession." - Hippocrates

 When we look back throughout history, women have traditionally been the healers within their villages and tribes. They have been the ones who have carried on the herbal lore and who have known how to remedy the various ailments that have impacted their communities. Today, as women and mothers, we are carrying on that tradition, it is up to us to research and determine the best options and methods of care for our families.

In this episode, we talk about the difference between common and normal, emotional health, trends that research has shown over time, and discuss topics from childbirth to vaccinations, finding your local community of doctors and healers, and much more.

Resources From This Episode
Raven Lang: http://ravenlang.com/
Jennifer Margulis, Your Baby, Your Wayhttps://jennifermargulis.net/books/your-baby-your-way/
Ricki Lake, The Business of Being Bornhttp://www.thebusinessofbeingborn.com/
Sally Fallon Morrell, The Weston A. Price Foundationhttps://www.westonaprice.org/about-us/welcome-from-sally-fallon-morell/