How to slow down and create more time and space in your family's life. | Episode 79

Too many activities and pressures leads to feelings of stress and anxiety, that's why we've made Time and Space our second tenet of Family School.  This episode is all about how to slow down and create more time and space for your family.  

“It will be hard to create a quiet place where your children can find their souls, you must first quiet your own world and then approach theirs. They are accustomed to the barrage of noise and will complain loudly in its absence, but you can find a quiet way. What can you do today? A walk, a book, a simple game.”

William Martin,
The Parent's Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for Modern Parents


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We see it all the time.  Parents want to give every thing and every opportunity they possibly can to their children.  The intention is good and yet there are always consequences.

When we, as parents, slow down our lives, we set an example for our children that tells them it's ok for them to slow down as well,  that it is ok to be still, and that they are enough without constantly reaching for more.

When we create time and space, we create room for mindfulness, movement, and breath - the foundational building blocks of wellness.   It's about limiting our activities, prioritizing play, being present, strengthening your family culture, and so much more.  

Resources From This Episode:

The Moms I Know, Family School:

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