Independent Studies and Hybrid Programs That Work! | Episode 83

When we take a look at the uncertainty of the future of education in the United States, we might not know what the future holds, but we do know how children learn best.

A hybrid independent study program can be a wonderful model for the future.


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After sheltering-in-place for several months and going through graduation season without our traditional ceremonies, we are grappling with the realization that even when traditional school is back in session, it is going to be anything but “normal”.  Faced with this realization and the formation of parent-teacher task forces all across the nation, it’s no wonder that so many parents are wanting to know more about other options.  

In this episode, we want to share with you the details of what’s worked for us and what we’ve seen work throughout our decades of experience as educators and mentors - the independent studies / homeschool hybrid program.

This model could be the solution for the future of education as we all come together to create a new system that prioritizes the education, mental and physical health, and overall wellness of all of our children and our families. 

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