How to Diversify Your Classic Literature Library | Interview with Amber O'Neal Johnston | Episode 89

In the past, a lot of focus was put on being "color blind," but now that we know better, we want our children to have "color-full" experiences, and this includes what they find on their bookshelves and reading lists.

Classic literature tends to have a very Euro-centric attitude and we've often struggled with how to curate a more diverse reading library for our families that celebrates both the classics and diversity.  Amber O'Neal Johnston has done this exact thing beautifully.


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For this episode, Amber shares candidly from her family's own experience from being inspired by Charlotte Mason to navigating her children's experience with race and what she's been able to do for them by thoughtfully and purposefully curating their bookshelves.

This episode is full of great ideas and resources to help you find great books for your family that celebrate both classic literature and diversity.  You won't want to miss it!

Resources From This Episode:

Amber O'Neal Johnston: and @heritagemomblog on Instagram

Amber’s Heritage Packs:

Living Books for All Peoples Facebook Group

Parallel Narrative Website

Charlotte Mason City Living

Reshelving Alexandria

Brown Sugar and Spice Bookstore


About Amber O'Neal Johnston:

Amber O’Neal Johnston fell in love with the principles of Charlotte Mason when her oldest was a preschooler. After wholeheartedly committing to follow Mason’s philosophy, she became disheartened when months went by with little mention, if any, of the stories and accomplishments of black people in her school room. The literary quality of the books was better, but she found that the cultural emptiness she experienced as a schoolgirl was being perpetuated within the walls of her own home.

Committed to bridging the gap for her 4 children, Amber has embarked on a journey of uniquely merging living books with life-giving books to ensure that their education is not a legalistic venture in Charlotte Mason but an honest experience that honors the Truth while helping her children to see the imago Dei in themselves and others.

Amber speaks, writes, and shares her observations on home education, culture, books, global travel, and more, and when asked about her path she likes to smile and say, “In my house, Charlotte Mason has an afro.”

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