Understanding educational philosophies and curriculum for homeschool curious families. | Homeschool Edition Episode 4

Once you’ve decided to homeschool, there is an overwhelming amount of information to digest. In this episode, we give you an overview of the various educational philosophies and types of curriculum that you will have available to use.

“Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom.”

Rudolph Steiner


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Remember that every child in unique and that as a homeschool parent, you have the ability to pick and choose what you believe will work best for your children and you also have the ability to shift and change your strategy or schedule any time that you feel it’s in your child’s best interest.

We hope this episode will help you begin to understand how you can setup your own unique homeschool experience that honors your children and allows them to learn the way they learn best.

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